About Us
"You are the light of the world"... Matthew 5:14
These words that Jesus Christ has spoken are the foundation of our ministry.
I would like to share with you how this ministry "LIGHT TO THE WORLD" began. It started on December 15th, 2005 with few people going to Mexico to pass out Christmas presents and blankets to less fortunate families, homeless people, and kids in orphanages. Shortly after, I realized one thing that if we will feed them today they will be hungry again tomorrow, so I saw much greater need then materialistic things. I began asking myself what is the solution to this problem, then the Holy Spirit spoke to me that this nation needs the Light of Jesus Christ.
"The people living in darkness have seen a great light and those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned."... Matthew 4:16
From the time this ministry has been formed we have witnessed over 250,000 people giving their lives to Jesus Christ. Also, we have seen an abundant amount of miracles performed by the Mighty presents of the Holy Spirit. If I would be asked to define this ministry my answer would be: ” We are just doing what Jesus had started over two thousand years ago.”
The King of Glory was full of love and com passion toward His people that He willingly came down from heaven to earth to over shine the darkness. We cannot give these people our own light but the light of Jesus Christ that lives in us. This is why I am a burning messenger with a burning message led by the Holy Spirit to bring His light to every nation. This is an international ministry working in Mexico, Nicaragua, Ukraine, and USA.
Friends the harvest is now ready to be reaped, help us shine the light of Jesus Christ into the dark places of this world!
Evangelist Vadim Pekun